Thursday 29 September 2016

Dynamics NAV page types and where they are used

Hello there. As a beginner, you get in scenarios where you don't know which page type is used where and when. There are a number of page types in NAV. I will introduce them to you. You may take time to further your knowledge about them. The web has tremendous information about them already.
Types of pages

  • Card Page

 For example customer card(page 21). Used to display and edit a single record at a time

  • List Page

Displays records as a list. Doesn't allow editing directly from the list eg Customer List Page (22)

  • CardPart Page

Usually used in a factbox. Shows a record in a factbox Area(Page 9080) Sells Hist. Sell-to FactBox

  • ListPart Page

 Used to display a list of records in a factbox area

  • Document Page

Its a page for displaying and edit records. It usually has a page embedded in another page eg Sales Order page(42)

  • ListPlus 

Similar to the Document Page but its un editable

  • Navigation page

Used in searching/Navigating on a record

  • Worksheet Page

Displays multiple records and a brief description within the page usually at the bottom. eg Sales Journal page (253)

  • Confirmation Page

 This page displays a dialogue.

  • RoleCenter Page

It defines  and displays a Navigation Pane, Clues, and control actions for these clues. eg Acc. Payables Coordinator RC page(9002)

  • Standard Dialogue

 Used in cases where users only input data to update certain records eg Change Exchange Rate (511)

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