
Friday, 28 August 2020

Dynamics NAV Item Unit Cost over a period

 Hello, i happened to get a request from our team in regards to item unit cost. They wanted to see how the unit cost of a certain item had been changing over a year. After reading on many blogs and trying out a couple of things. Something finally worked. So buckle up for the ride.

  • First, when you open the item card and;
  • Expand the invoicing Fast tab
  • Click assist edit on standard cost for standard cost items or unit cost for items using average cost costing method.
  • The average cost Calculation window/page is displayed.
  • The closing entry on each date shows the adjusted average unit cost for the item as of that date.
  • When you expand one of the closing entries, you see inbound & out bound entries (Un-adjusted) along with the unit cost for the item.

The second option will give us the inventory unit cost (Not adjust as in average cost calc overview) but the unit cost of all inbound entries.

  • Open item card
  • Select Navigate tab on the ribbon of item card
  • Under item availability group, select statistics. Item statistics page is displayed
  • On the general tab of item statistics page.
  • Select "Cost specification" in the show as lines
  • Select "Period" in the show as columns
  • Capture the date range in "Date filter"
  • Select "Calculate cost per unit" in the options fast tab

Then click show matrix

Then the unit cost statistics for the selected date range

Notice the inventory cost (LCY) i consider that as the unit cost.
Read more from community forum 

Friday, 14 August 2020

Dynamics NAV -No report data in report preview mode

 Dear Reader, my report doesn't display data in preview mode. However, when i print the document in PDF, the report prints out well.

I tried reading from a couple of blogs but could not get the cause. After trying out a couple of things something worked out.

  • To solve the problem go to report properties
  • Change the PreviewMode property to PrintLayout

That should solve the issue.


Friday, 7 August 2020

Dynamics NAV Error "Unable to open SQL Report builder, illegal Characters in Path"

 Hello reader, the above error is solved by repairing SQL report builder.

  • Go to control panel
  • Find SQL report builder
  • Select & click Repair

Try running your report layout again, it should be fine.

Cheers !!!

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Dynamics NAV "You donot have permissions to modify Item Ledger Entry table"

Hello, one the users for the client i support came up with a crazy request for change. They wanted some data to be added to the external document number from Posted Purchase Invoice for Purchase Receipts.
I had to create a process only report & run it as a batch job to do it.
However on running the report, i received an error above.
The user i was using had super rights in the user permission set.

I looked up the web for some solutions.

The solution is to explicitly add the permission to the object via the object permissions property.

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Dynamics NAV/Business Central Inventory Opening Balances

Hello there, as part of setting up new Dynamics NAV/Business Central Production Database. You will be required to import opening balances.
Today I will only talk about Inventory Opening Balances.

First you will be required to;

  • Setup "Inventory Posting Setup" for your inventory items
  • Setup "Gen. Product Posting Groups"

I am assuming that the items are already added to the item register

On your chart of accounts. Create an "Opening Balance Control Account"  Income/Balance should be Balance Sheet

Modify the setup "Gen. Product Posting Groups" let "Inventory Adjmt. Account" be set to "Opening Balance Control Account"

Using Item Journal.
Capture Journal Line.
Posting date should be Closing date of your financial year
Document No. your choice
Entry Type =Positive Adj
Item No. = Select Item
The cost is automatically picked by the system
Post the entry.

Verify the Opening Balance Control Account is credited with the total value of stock
Check that the inventory item has the right quantity
Verify the inventory account is debited

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Dynamics NAV/Business Central. Use own numbering on posted Sales invoices

Crazy right ? One of clients i support came up with that crazy idea. They wanted to manually capture the Posted sales invoice Numbers.
With Dynamics NAV/ Business Central default setup, Posted Number Series are added from Sales & Receivables setup.

  • Add the "Posting No" to the sales order/sales invoice document page.
  • Make sure the posting Nos. selected for Posting Numbers in sales & receivables setup allow manual numbers

The user can now add the posting number manually!


Friday, 10 January 2020

Dynamics NAV login error "There is no company in the database. Contact your systems Administrator "/"You do not have the following permissions on TableData profile:Read"

Hello reader. This is my first blog in 2020 so Happy New Year. You are welcome. My colleague ran into a nasty error that took us sometime to resolve. Our client reported a problem so we needed to take a back up so we run it on our PCs for trouble shooting
However, upon restoring the database, and running Dynamics NAV 2018. It would throw this error on the screen.

Trying to run NAV 2018 in configuration mode (Via command-line ) now throws this error

To work around this issue, simply create a new user in Dynamics NAV power shell.
Give the new user super permission set.
To learn how to add users using power shell click here
