
Thursday, 8 August 2019

How to create Grouping in RDLC for Dynamics NAV Business Central

Hello reader, I would like to share with you a quick trick to  adding groups while designing your RDLC reports. We gonna create something like this!

I will assume you know how to create a basic report in RDLC.

  • Create a dataset
  • create layout
  • Create your table
  • After adding the rows
  • Click the cell on the repeating rows where you want to add the grouping
  • Right click.
  • Select add parent group

  • Select the field to be used for the grouping

You are good to go!
Save your report and run it.

For more details click here

Thanks to

Friday, 28 June 2019

Dynamics NAV all Customized controls disappear from Navigation menu

Hello reader, I know you are tense for answers. Keep calm because you are about to sort the problem once for all.
Yesterday i was doing final checks on a client's database before golive. Then i discovered my team had forgotten to add company information in the setup.

I was in a rush, so i accidentally selected "BASIC" option in the USER EXPERIENCE fast tab of the COMPANY INFORMATION page. Then hell broke loose! All the customizations on the clients' database suddenly disappeared! The entire team was in shock and we had to reschedule the launch to the next day. Here is the way around it.

That field is by default blank. Everything works just fine. Once you change its content, all customizations will disappear mysteriously.
In case you change it by mistake. Run table 9178 "APPLICATION AREA SETUP" in development environment and delete the record there.
Everything should be back to normal.

I got to know this through Mark Brummel's blog. He explains so much more there. Click here for details.
Good luck

Thursday, 23 May 2019

STRMENU dialog in Dynamics NAV

Hello reader, am aware CAL is rapidly becoming old school. However, someone like you and me still find it useful. While i was working on a customization for some client, i realized the need to display a dialog selection menu similar to the one users pick while posting. This is something i had not encountered in a long time. It was time for me to check the archive to remind myself. Fortunately you wont have to check many places as am gonna show you how.
The illustration below shows the selection menu am talking about

Here is a sample code to achieve it. First some rules;

  • Identify the menu options you want to display to users i.e invoice,receive, receive and invoice
  • Identify the default option
  • Craft a descent statement to accompany the dialog

Time to implement your dialog

selection := DIALOG.STRMENU('Order,Received,Processing,Finished',1,'Please select option to update status of transaction');

IF selection = 1 THEN BEGIN
  Status := Rec.Status::Order;
  MESSAGE('Status of order %1 successfully updated to ORDER',Rec."No.");
END ELSE IF selection = 2 THEN BEGIN
  Status := Status::Received;
  MESSAGE('Status of order %1 successfully updated to RECEIVED',Rec."No.");
END ELSE IF selection = 3 THEN BEGIN
  Status := Status::Production;
  MESSAGE('Status of order %1 successfully updated to PROCESSING',Rec."No.");
END ELSE IF selection  = 4 THEN BEGIN
  Status := Status::Finished;
  MESSAGE('Status of order %1 successfully updated to FINISHED',Rec."No.");

Details of the function
DIALOG.STRMENU(list of menu options, default choice represented as an integer, message to accompany dialog);
The function returns an integer

please note;
"selection" is an integer variable.
"Status" is a table field whose options include {Order,Received,Production,Finished}
The text in message() maybe declared under text variables


Saturday, 23 March 2019

MSDYN365BC - Cumulative Update 04 released for Business Central on Premises

Hello reader, Microsoft has released an update for Business central on premise according to Saurav Dhyani

There are a number of changes that Microsoft has made in the update. The most notable one is the fix for error when using the report "save as " function. For details about the fixes please follow this link

Cumulative Update 04 is available for following localized version (19) and Worldwide release.
AT - Austria
AU - Australia
BE - Belgium
CH - Switzerland
CZ - Czech
DE - Germany
DK - Denmark
ES - Spain
FI - Finland
FR - France
GB - United Kingdom
IS - Iceland
IT - Italy
NA - North America
NL - Netherlands
NO - Norway
NZ - New Zealand
RU - Russia
SE - Sweden
W1 - (All other countries)

Follow the link to the download site;
Kind regards!!

Tuesday, 26 February 2019


Hello guest;
I had an encounter with one of my clients. They needed a simple explanation about Dimensions in Dynamics NAV. I thought sharing it with you would be a whole lot better.

What is a Dimension?
Dimension is the term used in Microsoft Dynamics NAV to define an analysis category. Dimensions are used to group, or categorize, data for the purpose of analysis. Dimensions consist of Dimension Values. A Dimension Value is a “subcategory” or a “tag” attached to data to conduct meaningful analysis (think of them like article tags on a blog). A Dimension can consist of any amount of Dimension Values.
An example of a dimension would be Product with dimension values
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Shortcut Dimensions 
Are analysis categories which facilitate financial, inventory, production, and other analyses.
Shortcut Dimensions can be assigned directly to journal, sales, or purchase lines; they can also be assigned to master data (e.g. a Customer, a Vendor, an Item, etc.).
We can only work with up to 4 shortcut dimensions in an analysis view.
This means we can categorize our data based on up to 4 categories using an analysis view.
To cover other categories, other analysis views have to be created

Example of a Shortcut Dimension
If a company sells coffee, and they are interested in running financial reports based on what categories of coffee are sold and where they were sold, the following Shortcut Dimensions can be created: Product and Area.
Area dimension with dimension values EU, COMESA, EAC, AGOA, US.
Product dimension as explained above

Global Dimensions in Dynamics NAV
Global Dimensions are the most important Dynamics NAV Dimensions for a company.
The maximum amount of Global Dimensions is 2.
Global Dimensions can be used in the same way as Shortcut Dimensions.
But unlike Shortcut Dimensions, Global Dimensions are located in the same database table as your master records.
This means that besides the possibility of using Global Dimensions as a filter on all Account Schedules, Batch Jobs, and reports, Global Dimensions can also be used as a filter on G/L entries.
Another unique feature of Global Dimensions is that they can be used as additional fields on purchase and sales document headers.

Example of a Global Dimension
If an institution is an NGO dedicated to promoting girl child education, an example of two Global Dimensions could be:
Project (what project/program donations are provided) and
Donor ( a private donor or an organization, a local donor or foreign, etc.).
These Global Dimensions would allow using a quick filter on the Chart of Accounts to break down an amount by Project and/or by Donor.

It is possible to break down an amount on a G/L Account by using Shortcut Dimensions. However, it would be necessary to create an Analysis View or Account Schedule report.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Error Running Dynamics NAV 2018 client "The tenant default is not accessible"

Hello guest, looks like this year is surely fresh ! I received this error when i attempted to run the NAV client 2018. This error popped up after i had imported NAV objects .

Microsoft advises you to run the development environment with administrator rights.

  • Select tools menu
  • Select sync. Schema for all tables
  • Select with validation

That should work, if it doesn't then run with the force option. For more information click here to read more from the Microsoft blog

Friday, 11 January 2019

ERROR .NET 4.7 keeps on rolling back during installation on windows 7 SP1

Hello guest, i promised myself to document every challenge i encounter during my operations with Dynamics NAV. Much as this is not directly linked allow me share it as you will not be able to have your Dynamics NAV 2018 install without .NET Framework 4.7

After encountering the above error, i had to search for a way to pass it as my client was waiting. We all know how new clients can be anxious.

From the information i obtained, the roll back and failure to install .NET framework 4.7 may fail because of files that could be left behind on the system in the previous installation attempts.

The solution is uninstall the previous versions of .NET Framework on the PC. However this has significant drawbacks that it may stop some applications on the system that require .NET from operating.

The solution is to do it safely using the .NET framework cleaner tool.
Download the tool here
Run the tool
You can now install you .NET Framework 4.7
Once that is successful, proceed with Dynamics NAV 2018 installation
Good luck!

Error installing .NET 3.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2 "Installation of one or more roles, role services or features failed "

Hello reader, as part of the infrastructure that supports Dynamics NAV, i met this error early this year during server installation for MSSQL 2014. My internet connection was not soo good. It could be the reason "Add roles & features" operation couldn't help. I had to look up for a solution on the web. 
Am prompted to share with you quick solutions.

Prepare an image containing the windows server that you installed.
Usually this the sources folder contains information to enable setup install the framework

  • Run the Roles & Features wizard
  • Select .NET 3.5 Framework.
  • Click specifiy alternate path
  • Navigate the Windows setup folder  for \Sources\srs
  • Click okay & install

Just incase you need more information click here
Good luck!

Thursday, 10 January 2019

"Failed to open image (Virtual box) for writing due to wrong permissions." VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY error

Happy New Year, It has been long. I know this should be a place where we share only Dynamics NAV. I met that error as part of my routine Dynamics NAV operations. I felt it would nice i share about it.
Well to work around this error, i simply ran Virtual box as an administrator. 
The rest is history!
For more info, click here